25 August, 2014

2014 Sheep Hunt

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Day 1 - Fresh Legs! 2014’s DIY Alaskan Dall sheep hunt has come and gone. A redo might be possible, but that is likely wishful thinking. Again the full curls have eluded us. It started out with the success of last year fresh on the mind, but as the days evaporated so did hope. This year we covered more miles than the last 2 years combined and saw our fair share of rams, just never one that crossed

6 August, 2014

A Sheep Hunting Journey

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Mule Deer Camp I grew up hunting mule deer in Eastern WA and dreaming of a sheep hunt I thought would never happen. In 2006 my wife and I relocated to Anchorage, Alaska. As fall came around and the boys back home headed to the Mule Deer camp, reality set in that I was in Alaska complete with all of its opportunities and challenges. Dall Sheep were spotted on a hike, and I could see them from the

31 July, 2014

Numbers and Hunting, do they matter?

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In my professional world I deal with all sorts of numbers, trends, statistics, and percentages. I transfer these skills to my passions, and using my planning and Excel skills I build pack lists and organize my excursions. This skill set has evolved since moving to Alaska, and my overall field success ratio (%) is lower than I would like it to be. Analyzing this trend led to me several conclusions. Dad & I My L48 pursuits were far less complex, and

17 January, 2014

Ultimate Hunting Gear List for the Western / Alaskan Hunter….

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2013 Ram I though it would be interesting to create the ultimate hunting gear list (clothing specific) for the multi-season, multi-species Western / Alaskan hunter.  In other words, me.  If you hunt in similar terrains perhaps you will find this list of interest.  This list will cover Alaskan August Dall Sheep Hunts, September Moose hunts, fall and spring bear hunts, Caribou pursuits, Alaskan winter predator hunts, and an occasional L48 October Mule Deer hunt.  These theoretical hunts