27 February, 2017

Leupold Vendetta 2 Review

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Leupold provided Remote Pursuits with a Vendetta 2 to get our thoughts on it. Due to a variety of schedule mishaps it has taken us a while to get this review out. In order to get this accomplished I reached out to a buddy for assistance.  Below is his take on the Leupold Vendetta 2. Check out Leupold's Press Release on the Vendetta 2 here:  https://www.leupold.com/life/news/leupold-introduces-vendetta-2-bow-mounted-laser-rangefinder Leupold Vendetta 2 Review by Guest Contributor Desi (DJ) Curtis For me this device was

7 May, 2016

Be prepared for Backcountry Bowhunting

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I grew up a rifle a hunter, and doubt I will ever fully be a bow hunter only. I do however thoroughly enjoy archery and am working hard to integrate it more into my hunting choices. What I love about archery is that I can do it all year long. Many a night is spent just slinging arrows in the garage. Its a peaceful, relaxing, hobby that is just plain old enjoyable. As I have progressed in my archery journey,

2 November, 2015

2016 Xpedition Xception

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If you follow Remote Pursuits at all you are well aware that I jumped full on board with Xpedition with last year's Xcentric 7. You can read my thoughts on Xpedition and my Xcentric 7 here: http://remotepursuits.com/xpedition-archery/ For 2016 Xpedition changes a few things to the existing line and released a new bow, the 2016 Xpedition Xception. I've been looking to add a backup bow and was planning on another Xcentric 7. However, I'm going to shoot the Xception as soon

27 September, 2015

Xpedition Archery Gear! #ishootxpedition

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If you are a regular around Remote Pursuits you might have picked up on the fact I am pretty stoked about my Xpedition Archery Xcentric 7.  I was unable to use my bow this fall due to a hand injury, but my excitement and anticipation for an upcoming bow hunt is high! Xpedition has partnered with Bowadx to release some Xpedition Branded Gear! You can check out the gear here: https://bowadx.com/product-category/xpedition-gear/  Get your Xpedition Archery Gear now! Another thing you might have noticed

25 June, 2015

Xpedition Archery

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Xpedition Archery; Xcentric 7 For my day job I work with engineers and highly technical people. I respect the way they think and analyze data. I am fortunate to live in Alaska, and as such conversations typically end up leading to outdoor adventures. One of these discussions led to an excited outburst, on a co-worker’s new bow. He touted the clean, precise lines, and aerospace roots from which his new found treasure evolved. It was a comment I heard several