18 July, 2018

7 Year Ram

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7 Year  Ram by Jerry H For six years my buddy Matt and I have chased Alaska Dall Sheep rams. While we were successful in getting Matt a ram a few years back, I was still without one.  This was my seventh year trying and could I finally get my ram? Matt was unable to make it out this year due to some life events, so I got my other buddy Berke to go with me.  It was short

23 March, 2017


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Socks for Remote Pursuits If you have read much of my writings it’s obvious I have weird feet. Boot fit, and a boot system, are tough to match up for me. I’ve gone through a variety of options and it seems to be a constant challenge. While boots and insoles are part of the process, no system is complete without a good pair of socks. I used several brands over the years and typically “restock” every 2-3 years. I’ve had

27 February, 2017

Leupold Vendetta 2 Review

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Leupold provided Remote Pursuits with a Vendetta 2 to get our thoughts on it. Due to a variety of schedule mishaps it has taken us a while to get this review out. In order to get this accomplished I reached out to a buddy for assistance.  Below is his take on the Leupold Vendetta 2. Check out Leupold's Press Release on the Vendetta 2 here:  https://www.leupold.com/life/news/leupold-introduces-vendetta-2-bow-mounted-laser-rangefinder Leupold Vendetta 2 Review by Guest Contributor Desi (DJ) Curtis For me this device was

14 January, 2017

Stone Glacier Sky 7400 Review

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In my article on purchasing a pack for backpack hunting, I promised a deep dive into the Stone Glacier Sky 7400. Article was originally published on Rokslide.com in 2015. I have updated the article to include recent data and information (Jan 14, 2017)   Stone Glacier's Sky 7400 w/ Krux Frame Since 2006 I have cycled through several packs trying to find a balance of durability, load carrying capability, and most importantly fit. Each “upgrade” helped me move closer to

26 November, 2016

Leupold VX-6 Review

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Leupold VX-6 Scope Review Leupold scopes have been a part of my life as long as I can remember. Either they were on the rifles my Dad had when I was kid, or they were "in the works" to be on those rifles! The "Golden Ring" was, and is, a symbol of trust, quality, and American Pride (Made in the USA). In the years since I have used a variety of Leupold scopes from the budget VX1 and Rifleman,

28 September, 2016

Crispi Hunter GTX Review; Alaskan Tested, Alaska Tough

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Below is a follow up on Jerry's initial impressions with the Crispi Hunting GTX Boots.  Jerry is a valued contributor to Remote Pursuits. These boots met his expectations and are on our list of approved footwear for your next mountain hunt. Crispi Hunter GTX Boots Review, Part II. By Jerry H. In June I wrote about my initial thoughts on the Crispi Hunting GTX boots after going on a spring bear hunt.  I was impressed with the boots but needed to

9 August, 2016

First Lite’s 2016 Rain Gear via Rokslide

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First Lite's 2016 Rain Gear, Review posted on Rokslide Rain gear is an item I seem to spend a lot of time analyzing and comparing. Numbers and statistics are helpful, but in reality rain gear needs to do three things. 1) Keep you dry, 2) Breath, 3) Be durable enough for the chosen task. Rounding these desires is the critical need to match the design intent of the rain gear for the chosen pursuit. I have written several times about

12 June, 2016

Crispi Hunter GTX Boot Review

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Crispi Hunter GTX Boot Review  #crispihunting By Jerry H. After many years of wearing Kenetrek's Mountain Extreme boots, they finally wore out enough that I needed to replace them.  Numerous Dall sheep, bear, moose and caribou hunts in Alaska, had put enough wear and tear on them to demand a replacement. Overall,  I was very happy with the Kennetreks and initially planned to buy another pair.  However, here at Remote Pursuits we had heard a lot about Crispi's new agreement in

7 May, 2016

Be prepared for Backcountry Bowhunting

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I grew up a rifle a hunter, and doubt I will ever fully be a bow hunter only. I do however thoroughly enjoy archery and am working hard to integrate it more into my hunting choices. What I love about archery is that I can do it all year long. Many a night is spent just slinging arrows in the garage. Its a peaceful, relaxing, hobby that is just plain old enjoyable. As I have progressed in my archery journey,

12 April, 2016

First Aid for the Backcountry – Part 1 – The Must Haves

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One of the best parts about Remote Pursuits is the people I get to meet.  One of the first connections I made when I launched Remote Pursuit's Facebook page was Shane Daniels.  Shane lives in Iowa and hunting is a huge part of his life. Shane's expertise is one that I hope you all find helpful. This post is the first in a series about First Aid in the Backcountry. We have combined Shane's medical expertise with some of my