30 June, 2015

Becoming a better Outdoor Consumer, Part 2

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This is part 2 of a series on becoming a better outdoor consumer. Part 1 can be found here: http://remotepursuits.com/2015/06/27/outdoor-consumer-part-1/ Part of what I try to do with gear reviews is provide info that creates an educated follower. Gear can be simple if your hunts are simple, but as the technical requirements of your hunt go up, so do the demands and requirements on both our bodies and our gear. The more remote and difficult the hunt, the greater the

27 June, 2015

Becoming a better Outdoor Consumer, Part 1

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The goal of this series is to walk through the process of brand loyalty, define good, and provide some tips to help make one a better consumer. Let’s face it, hunting can be a high dollar lifestyle. Making educated and efficient expenditures is key. Less dollars spent on gear results in more dollars spent on adventures. If you are reading this article, then more than likely you are exposed to multiple sources of media and influence on a daily basis.

2 March, 2015

Preparation for 2015: Planning, Practicing, and Gear Lists

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Its the time of year where my season is somewhat slow. That middle ground between winter and spring. As such its a good time to plan and fine tune where feasible. While I plan I try to visualize scenarios and shot conditions. I'm not as focused on this as some, but I feel it is a valuable endeavor and I need to do more of it. My goals for the next months are fairly simple. Keep focusing on my fitness,

27 March, 2014

Some thoughts on “forum” behaviours….

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I am a big fan of forums. They provide an unique opportunity for users of various expertise and common passions to interact and exchange ideas. However, it seems to me that over the last few years forums are getting to be a bit hostile. Both directly against a specific vendor or service provider, and individuals. So I thought I would throw out my thoughts on proper forum decor. They are worth exactly what you paid for them.. If a vendor