28 August, 2014

Kitting Up with First Lite

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I was having a conversation with a few guys and decided to turn that into a blog entry as it seemed to be an interesting topic. My kit (kit = backcountry clothing system) is a mixture of several brands and is a combination of colors and camouflage patterns. The conversation focused on what your setup would be if you could only run ONE brand. This is actually a bit harder than we thought because even though guys may, or may

25 August, 2014

2014 Sheep Hunt

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Day 1 - Fresh Legs! 2014’s DIY Alaskan Dall sheep hunt has come and gone. A redo might be possible, but that is likely wishful thinking. Again the full curls have eluded us. It started out with the success of last year fresh on the mind, but as the days evaporated so did hope. This year we covered more miles than the last 2 years combined and saw our fair share of rams, just never one that crossed

6 August, 2014

A Sheep Hunting Journey

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Mule Deer Camp I grew up hunting mule deer in Eastern WA and dreaming of a sheep hunt I thought would never happen. In 2006 my wife and I relocated to Anchorage, Alaska. As fall came around and the boys back home headed to the Mule Deer camp, reality set in that I was in Alaska complete with all of its opportunities and challenges. Dall Sheep were spotted on a hike, and I could see them from the

26 June, 2014

Light Weight Soft Shells: KUIU vs. Sitka Gear?

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Two new products, or rather a new product and a revised product have hit the trails this year. I really think an active hunter needs to check these out! They are dramatically different than any hunting specific soft shell out there. KUIU Chinook http://blog.kuiu.com/2014/06/25/chinook-jacket-in-stock-and-available-in-small/#sthash.5zaJWopu.dpbs I have NOT had the opportunity to see one of these in person, and I hope to get one to do a review on soon. BUT, from watching the video and reading up, this jacket appears

25 June, 2014

MSR Reactor Stove Review

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Reactor in Sheep Camp A while back I posted an article on stoves.   Since then my buddy and I have been able to really test out the MSR Reactor.   Jerry and I have been using a Jetboil stove for years and it always seemed to work when we needed it. I read quite a bit about the MSR Reactor stove and had to get one to test out.   Between Jerry and I we have been able to use

19 June, 2014

Pants for the Backcountry..

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Pants: Seems simple, we wear them most every day, and often without too much thought toward the details. However, to the high country backpack hunter, pants are a critical component of a highly scrutinized gear list. A lot has changed since a pair of Cabela's Microtex pants inspired the original Sitka Mountain pant. Today's hunters have a plethora of options ranging from hunting lines to hiking lines, and even unique options like shorts over base layers. I purchased several pants

14 June, 2014

Pantanal Parka Review

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Today's blog entry is by my good buddy Jerry.  Jerry is a life long hunter with over a decade of Alaska hunting experience.  In this entry Jerry overviews his experiences with the Pantanal Parka from Sitka Gear. I hope you enjoy Jerry's review and find it informative. Pantanal Parka, by Jerry: Last fall I began looking for a parka style jacket for my fall moose hunts and spring bear hunts. My other parka style jackets lacked in key areas. They

2 June, 2014

Backcountry Adventure with my Son

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May was an unique month here in Alaska. The unseasonably warm weather triggered the highest pollen counts in Anchorage’s recent history (both for Alaska and the world) and created a tinderbox forest that ignited in several places across the state. As such my plans for filling a registration brown bear tag were thrown into a turmoil. I never could get the 3-4 days I needed to at least have a decent shot of punching that tag. As May 31st approached