18 July, 2018

7 Year Ram

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7 Year  Ram by Jerry H For six years my buddy Matt and I have chased Alaska Dall Sheep rams. While we were successful in getting Matt a ram a few years back, I was still without one.  This was my seventh year trying and could I finally get my ram? Matt was unable to make it out this year due to some life events, so I got my other buddy Berke to go with me.  It was short

30 September, 2015

2015 Caribou Hunt

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Any trip in Alaska is an adventure, and as the saying goes “an Alaskan’s weekend is another man’s dream vacation.” As the truck left the lights of Anchorage behind us I reflected on this saying. The frustration of this year’s sheep hunt was countered by the realization of the blessed opportunity to have spent time in sheep country. However, this was the last chance to put meat in the freezer, and with beef and pork allergies in the house,