The last few weeks were a bit crazy. I traveled, had an odd work schedule, and then had some home maintenance projects that through me out of my routine. Somewhere in the mix I got behind on my water and ahead on my coffee. Headaches and fatigue soon caught up with me. Rokslide just published an article by Brock Akers highlighting “High Country Hydration” and this reminded me to get back into my routine. Almost immediately I felt better. Water is key to better health and high performance. Read Brock’s article for some great tips and strategies for in the field.

High Country PoolJust in case you think Brock or I are exaggerating, do a search or two on hydration. Water is important and you need to ensure you get your daily needs met.

I’ll leave you with one link I found.

Hopefully Brock’s article will remind us to focus on water as part of a robust hunt strategy and further research will push us all to drink more H2O.